Monday 16 June 2014

Lotterywest Ball Pit Video - Another one

Another video production for Lotterywest. This time I was free to get the camera to do some footage around the festival and our stand.
Another successful weekend for Lotterywest and its Ball Pit.
Check the video over here!

Tittle: Lucky Ball Pit at Jazz Festival
Cliente: Lotterywest and Gettin Hectic
Year: 2014
Location: Perth - Australia
Production and video editing: Sara Biancardi
Music: Josh Woodward - Overthrown (No Vox)

Monday 12 May 2014

Lotterywest Ball Pit Video

Video production for Lotterywest. The camera was set up still at all time.
It was a funny game where people had to play inside a Ball Pit. Check the video over here!

Tittle: Lucky Ball Pit at Joondalup Festival
Client: Lotterywest and Gettin Hectic
Year: 2014
Location: Perth - Australia
Production and video editing: Sara Biancardi
Music: Josh Woodward - California Lullabye (No Vox)

Language Links School Promotional Video

Very challenged job as I have improved a lot my directing techniques, I had a good friend Dani Mendes with me helping to record footage. See the results here!

Tittle: Language Links Promotional Video
Client: Language Links English School
Year: 2014
Location: Perth - Australia
Direction: Sara Biancardi & Dani Mendes
Video editing: Sara Biancardi
Music: Josh Woodward - Cherubs (No Vox)

Thursday 2 January 2014

Kip IT Graphic Designs and Videos

Kip IT is an IT company I have been working recently here in Australia as Marketing Coordinator, but I also do the graphic designs for digital ad's and videos.

Ps: Note, the image of the videos are not in a really good quality because they were recorded in a room in the office and not in a proper studio.
To watch the video about our Meet Up Group click here. To watch Kip IT promo video click here.

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